Shantikunj, the centre of All World Gayatri Pariwar, was founded by the Saint-Scholar-Philosopher par excellence, Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, who in his youth was also a celebrated freedom fighter. Shantikunj has emerged over the years as a unique centre and fountain-head of a global movement of Yug Nirman Yojna (Movement for the Reconstruction of the Era) for moral-spiritual regeneration in the light of hoary Indian heritage. It is the head-quarter of Yug Nirman Yojna of the All World Gayatri Pariwar, which has a following of more than ninety million individual all over the world.
Through the Seer-Vision of the Yug-Rishi (Saint of the Era), the founder, organizer and patron (who was born on 20th September 1911 in the village Anwalkhera, Agra, (U.P.) INDIA), Shantikunj has grown into a spiritual academy of moral, ethical and spiritual awakening of the masses in India carrying the seer-vision of Acharya shri with the message of love, peace, understanding and unity-in-diversity to all corners of the globe. The gist of Yugrishi’s message is the lighting up of human consciousness to a higher and nobler realm of light, love and life instincts with divine harmony and joy. Vandaniyaa (Revered) Mata Bhagvati Devi Sharma, has been the foremost collaborator and disciple of Gurudev. She contributed the most in giving concrete shape to the ideals and dreams of Pujya Gurudev. The smooth working of this vast organization is based on voluntary contribution of one rupee, one handful of grain and one hour daily for mission work by millions of its devotees.
Shantikunj is devoted to cultural, ethical, moral and spiritual awakening and national integration. Development of divinity in mankind is the foremost goal and avowed objective. Pledged for national peace, prosperity, amity, love, goodwill and fraternity irrespective of region, religion, faith, caste, creed, sect etc., Shantikunj is a unique abode true to its name. Visitors of all faiths & linkages are glued to the Ashram (Spiritual Center), when they visit and view its peace & fraternal treatment. The courteous ovation and pleasing treatment add glory to the solemn attraction and the visitor wishes to come here again. Expansion of national unity, amity and brotherhood and extinction of ignorance, jealousy, hatred, and strife from globe are being attempted at Shantikunj by popularizing Gayatri Mantra, Yagna and Sanskaars (sacramental rites), the adoption of which invokes celestial thoughts and inspires for divine deeds. The divinity may be seen firmly fixed in every activity of this holy pilgrimage center.
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All World Gayatri Pariwar (AWGP)
Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (DSVV)
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Gayatrikunj – Shantikunj, Haridwar- 249411 Uttarakhand, INDIA.
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