Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
The Department of Tourism Management in the University has been established as a center for advanced Culture and Tourism Education Research. Currently, the Department and its courses have been upgraded to meet the requirements of the current Tourism Industry at the National& International Levels. The objective of the department is to provide the foundation of higher learning and research in the field of tourism. Highlighting the grandeur, heritage, and culture to develop the region in the field of tourism.
Develop students into team player, innovative and competent professionals, focusing on creativity and dissemination of value based knowledge.
Health Tourism, Hospitality Industry
Rural Tourism
Spiritual Tourism
Adventure tourism
Tourism Marketing
S.No. | Faculty | Award/Event/Honors |
1 | Dr. Arunesh Parashar |
2 | Dr. Umakant Indolia |
3 | Dr. Monika Pandey | Certificate of Excellence, DSVV 2024 |
4 | Dr. Avanendu Parashar Pandey | Certificate of Excellence, DSVV 2024 |
* Cross-Cultural Tourism and the Role of Media: Exploring Impacts and Influences
* Perception of Indian Youth towards Yagya: A study on Indian youth
* Role Of Ashtanga Yoga In Health Tourism – Characteristics And Prospects
* Role of Ministry of Tourism For Promoting India As a 365 Days Tourists Destination
* Ayurveda & Medical Health Tourism – With special reference to Panchkarma
* “An overview of policies & schemes of Govt. of India to promote Rural sector & tourism”
* Essentials of Human Bioelectricity in Developing Wellness in Life
* Tourism Development in Local Communities: As a Community Development Approach
* Responsible Tourism: A Roadmap For Sustainable and Comprehensive Regional Tourism development
* Rural Tourism in India; potential & Prospects. (IMEJ) Issn no.2277-4262
* पर्यावरण असंतुलन का बाघों पर पड़ता नकारात्मक प्रभाव सरिस्का नैशनल पार्क के सम्बंध में
* Bhartiya sanskriti ke vikas me Sahayak gramin paryatan ki vivechana
* Rural Tourism for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
* Cross-Cultural Tourism and the Role of Media: Exploring Impacts and Influences
* Perception of Indian Youth towards Yagya: A study on Indian youth
* Essentials of Human Bioelectricity in Developing Wellness in Life
* Responsible Tourism: A Roadmap For Sustainable and Comprehensive Regional Tourism development
* The Role of Wellness in Tourism Development Process (Concepts, Applications and Challenges)
* Rural Tourism for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development
* Tourism E-Commerce: The Future Direction for the Development of Tourism
* Island and Beach -based Model: A Nature-based Health Tourism Practice at tourism destination
* Rural-based Model : A Nature-based Health Tourism Practice at Tourism Destinations
* Island and Beach -based Model: A Nature-based Health Tourism Practice at tourism destination
* The Role and Importance of Ayurveda in Health Tourism in India
* Forest-based Model: A Nature-based Health Tourism Practice at Tourism Destinations
* Exploring the Potential of Nature-based Health Tourism in Uttarakhand
* The Role of Nature-based Health Tourism in Development Process (Concepts and Applications)
S.No. | Events – Seminar/workshop/Conference/Program | Date |
01 | World Tourism Day 2024 | 27th September 2024 |
02 | Seminar on “Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Uttarakhand Tourism and Rural Sustainability” | 22 May 2024 |
03 | Celebrated National Tourist Appreciation Day | 6th May 2024 |
04 | One day workshop on International Tourism. International adventure | 3rd May 2024 |
05 | World Tourism Day 2023 | 27th September 2023 |
06 | Lecture Series of World Tourism Day 2023 | 21st to 27th Sep. 2023 |
07 | International Conference on Sustainability and Recent Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Sector | 13th October 2023 |
08 | Hosted 10 Days Training Workshop on Heritage Tour Guide | 15th – 24th May 2023 |
09 | Alumni Week and Professional Lecture Series | 15th – 24th April 2023 |
10 | World Tourism Day 2022 | 27th September 2022 |
11 | Industry Linkage Workshop | 10th September 2022 |
12 | World Tourism Day 2021 | 27th September 2021 |
13 | World Tourism Day 2020 | 27th September 2020 |
14 | 2 Days International Webinar on “Role of Academicians and Tourism & Hospitality Professionals in Post Covid Scenario” | 4-5 June 2020 |
15 | Valediction Ceremony for German Course and Prize Distribution German Course | 3 October 2019 |
16 | World Tourism Day 2019 | 27th September 2019 |
17 | 7 Days National Travel and Tourism Training Program | 21st – 27th Sep. 2019 |
On 22nd june 2024, Nihang sikhs under Sikh community grace their presence at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar under the leadership of Dr. Chinmay Pandya. Dept of tourism management provided them with their good services and hospitality to add glory to their unforgettable experiences.
Dr. Tushar Panchal, Group CEO, Gujrat Technological University delivered an insightful lecture on “Exploring Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Uttarakhand Tourism and Rural Sustainability” at a recent seminar jointly Organised by Department of Tourism and Institutional Innovation counseling, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. Dr. Jwalant Bhavasar skillfully anchored the session. Theme setting was done by Head of dept, Tourism Management, Dr. Arunesh Parashar, who provided insightful perspectives on the critical intersection of sustainability and entrepreneurship. Emphasizing on the region’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty, Dr. Panchal highlighted the untapped potential for sustainable tourism ventures. He outlined strategies for leveraging local resources, promoting eco-friendly practices, and fostering community involvement to boost the local economy. Dr. Panchal also discussed innovative business models that could attract investments and create job opportunities in rural areas. The lecture concluded with a call to action for entrepreneurs and stakeholders to collaborate and drive sustainable growth in Uttarakhand’s tourism sector. Following this, Dr. R.K. Gupta sir discussed the nuances of rural sustainability, and shed light on innovative strategies for empowering rural communities through sustainable practices. At last question and answer session was done with the queries of students. The session concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Dr. Umakant Indolia, who expressed gratitude to all the speakers and participants for their contributions to a thought-provoking and informative discussion
To promote responsible and mindful travel, the Dept of Tourism Management, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar celebrated National Tourist Appreciation Day on 6th May 2024. Students of BBA and MBA initiated and celebrated it with zeal and enthusiasm to appreciate and aware tourists through different activities to promote sustainable development followed by a message from the head of the department Dr. Arunesh Parashar. Promoted awareness for sustainable development of destinations through tourists through nukkad natak, was showcased by the students of BBA, dept. of tourism management at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar on Tourists Appreciation Day
All participants and guests are cordially invited to attend the International Conference on Sustainability and Recent Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Sector on 13th October at 10:00 a.m. for the inaugural ceremony at Mrityunjay Auditorium, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. Sustainability and Recent Trends in Tourism & Hospitality Sector Concept, Prospect and Innovation मे, देश और आसपास से बहुत से लोगो ने प्रतिभाग किया। इस अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन में ६०-७० प्रबंधन,होटल व् पर्यटन से जुड़े विश्वविद्यालयों व् महाविद्यालयों,संस्थानों के १२० प्रतिभागियों व् शोधार्थियों ने अपने शोध पत्र प्रस्तुत किये विद्यार्थियों ने प्रतिभागिता की।कुल २००-२५० लोग इस अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन के हिस्सा बने।
देव संस्कृति विश्वविद्यालय के पर्यटन विभाग द्वारा “विश्व पर्यटन दिवस” मनाया गया। विश्व पर्यटन दिवस के अवसर पर विभाग द्वारा विगत 7 दिनों से विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन किया गया था। इन प्रतियोगिताओं में पूरे विश्वविद्यालय के लगभग 300 से ज्यादा विद्यार्थियों ने प्रतिभाग लिया। “विश्व पर्यटन दिवस” के अवसर पर विश्वविद्यालय में एक विशेष कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया, जिसके मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में आदरणीय प्रतिकुलपति महोदय उपस्थित हुए। कार्यक्रम के दौरान प्रतिभागीयों का उत्साहवर्धन करते हुए आदरणीय प्रतिकुलपति महोदय जी द्वारा पुरस्कार एवं सर्टिफिकेट वितरित किया गया। “विश्व पर्यटन दिवस” 2023 की थीम “पर्यटन एवं हरित निवेश” एवं “धार्मिक पर्यटन” पर आदरणीय प्रतिकुलपति महोदय जी ने सभी को संबोधित किया। इस कार्यक्रम में पर्यटन विभाग के विभागाध्यक्ष, शिक्षकगण, विद्यार्थी एवं अनेक प्रतिभागी उपस्थित रहे। World Tourism Day is celebrated annually on September 27. It’s a day dedicated to promoting tourism and highlighting its social, cultural, and economic value. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) organizes this event, and each year there is a different theme that focuses on various aspects of tourism. The goal is to foster awareness among the international community about the importance of tourism and its impact on sustainable development.
On 22nd July 2024, there was Gyan Diksha to welcome new students. On that day our H.O.D Dr. Arunesh sir has published the book by the hand of our Pro vice chancellor Dr. Chinmay Pandya. A short interview has been taken about the book. He said, my book’s name is “HEALTH TOURISM” and nowadays people only know about health tourism as a medical purpose. People do not see it as tourism. I have described health tourism in three types Natural, Wellness, and Medical how they interact to make health tourism as tourism. In the book there are various steps of management. How we can manage health tourism in various factors. In book, we can find various references regarding health tourism. In the coming days, various courses will be brought. we run one department in tourism and if possible we will have a separate department in hospitality. Various levels of research will be done by students of the department. Various programs and activities are been taken up by the department. My expectation from students is that they should do better in their studies and do work for the department and university. Do all work to uplift the growth of the department and university. Students should make the university and us proud and not do anything that harms university and department rules.
Academic tours play a crucial and influential role in students’ life, these tours give students an opportunity to learn new things about field wok. Such tours are a valuable and enriching experiences for anyone that can enhance their academic growth and personal development. The long-awaited day came and our teacher Dr. Ashish Pawar make one’s way for their solo academic tour, he was waiting for it since very long. He started off their journey from (Uttarakhand) Haridwar to Delhi on an Janshtabdi express on 1st July, he stayed in Delhi for two long days and explored Delhi by seeing different places and acquire experiences, in C.P (Connaught place), museums and many other places. This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. There is a lot of sense of adventure. He headed out from Delhi on 3rd July because he had to appear himself for their 3-day academic workshop held by IIT Bombay (Indian Institute of Technology). The next morning he reached at Mumbai railway station and was picked up by the staff member of IIT Bombay, along with all their stuff he proceeded towards IIT Bombay for the National conference on Indian Knowledge system which he’s eagerly waiting for. He was put up in the guest house of IIT Bombay and he got extremely good treatment from them, during the whole conference. On 4th of July the national conference started with Pre conference workshops, begin in the Morning from 10Am with the overview of IKS and the source relevant for management, social science and came to an end of our first day of national conference with delightful meeting of young scholars.
The Department of Tourism Management in the University has been established as a center for advanced Culture and Tourism Education Research. Currently the Department and its courses have been upgraded to meet the requirements of current Tourism Industry at National& International Level. The objective of the department is to provide the foundation of higher learning and research in the field of tourism. Highlighting the grandeur, heritage and culture to develop the region in the field of tourism.
Organizing specialized Programs to help Tourism Industries flourish in the areas of Spiritual Tourism, health Tourism& Eco-Rural Tourism Personal and Professional development of studies Providing practical management skills along with business orientation Encouraging value based Tourism for bringing wellness amongst the Tourists Fostering a Vibrant and entrepreneurial business skills Providing solutions to the society that are sustainable, responsible and pragmatic
Develop students into team player, innovative and competent professionals, focusing on creativity and dissemination of value based knowledge
BBA Travel and Tourism Management | 3 Years Full Time |
MBA Travel and Tourism Management | 2 Years Full Time |
Doctorate Travel and Tourism | PhD Regular and PhD Part-Time |
Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | Experience in Yrs. | No. of PhD/MPhil Guide |
Dr. Arunesh Parashar | M.A., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor (S.G.) | Health Tourism | 10 | 4 |
Dr. Umakant Indoliar | M.A., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor (S.G.) | Rural Tourism | 10 | 4 |
Dr. Monika Pandey | M.A., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Spiritual Tourism | 10 | 1 |
Dr. Avanendu Pandey | M.A., Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | Adventure Tourism | 05 | – |
S/N | Name | Company | Designation |
1 | Rakesh Shrivastava | Indian Revenue Service | Custom Officer |
2 | Shashank Sharma | Holyday India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai | Team LeaderRural Tourism |
3 | Sumit | Flexi Tour Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi | Tour Executive |
4 | Rajnikant Jaiswal | Asian Roots Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi | Package Manager |
5 | Pranav Sharma | Incredible Holiday, New Delhi | Tour Package Manager |
6 | Gunjan Gupta | Bharti Public School, Shahjahanpur | PLecturer |
7 | Harpreet Kaur | Jet Airways | Reservation Manager |
8 | Akshay Kumar | Jet Airways | Customer Care |
9 | Jyoti | Travel Boutique Online | Tour Executive, Hotels & Holiday Packages |
10 | Prasoon Kumar | Jet Airways | Customer Care Executive |
11 | Ankit jain | Travel Desk (5 Star Hotel Hilton) | Management Trainee |
12 | Paras Khera | Travel Desk (5 Star Hotel Radison Blu) | Management Trainee |
S.No. | Name of the Student | Course | DSVV Admission Batch | Institution | Designation | Place | State |
1 | Akhilesh Kumar | M.A. TM | 2011-12 | Navshrijeet Prathmik Vidyalaya, Chetu Digha | Teacher | Aurangabad | Uttar Pradesh |
2 | Vilakshana Tyagi | M.A. ICTS | 2008-09 | Campus India Toursim | – | Delhi | Delhi |
3 | Rakesh Shrivastava | Indian Revenue Service | Custom Officer | ||||
4 | Shashank Sharma | Holyday India Pvt. Ltd. | Team Leader | Mumbai | Maharashtra | ||
5 | Sumit | Flexi Tour Pvt. Ltd. | Tour Executive | New Delhi | Delhi | ||
6 | Rajnikant Jaiswal | MA TM | 2010-11 | Asian Roots Pvt. Ltd. | Package Manager | New Delhi | Delhi |
7 | Pranav Sharma | Incredible Holiday | Tour Package Manager | New Delhi | Delhi | ||
8 | Gunjan Gupta | BHARTI Public School | Lecturer | Shahjahanpur | Uttar Pradesh | ||
9 | Prasoon Kumar | Ph.D. TM | 2013-14 | Jet Airways | Customer Care Executive | ||
10 | Harpreet Kaur | Jet Airways | Reservation Manager | ||||
11 | Akshay Kumar | Jet Airways | Customer Care | ||||
12 | Jyoti | Travel Boutique Online | Tour Executive, Hotels & Holiday Packages | ||||
13 | Ankit Jain | MA TM | 2012-13 | Travel Desk (5 Star Hotel Hilton) | Management Trainee | ||
14 | Paras Khera | MA TM | 2012-13 | Travel Desk (5 Star Hotel Hilton) | Management Trainee |
A two-day workshop on the Indian independence Movement &Associated Tourist places | Organized by Tourism and Indian history Department | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 29-30 Aug.2017 |
Session Resource Person in One Day Training Programme World Health Day–Sustainable Earth from Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | by USERC Dehradun & Ministry of Earth science Govt.of India | New Delhi | 22 April 2017 |
Seven Days National Level Digital India Training Workshop by NSS &Tourism Dept. | Dsvv and Shakti Foundation | Rishikesh | 16-22 March 2017. |
10 Days national Training Programme on world Tourism Day Celebration 2017 (Theme-Sustainable Tourism) from Dev Sanskriti University | by Tourism Dept. | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 18-27 Sep.2017 |
Seven Days National Level Digital India Training Workshop by NSS &Tourism Dept | Dsvv and Shakti Foundation | Rishikesh | 16-22 March 2017. |
National Orientation Programme on Motivation of youth for Igniting Rural Reconstruction from Dev Sanskriti University, Govt. of India | by Tourism Dept.& Ministry of HRD
| New Delhi | 19 March 2017 |
Two-day workshop on Indian independence Movement &Associated Tourist places | Organized by Tourism and Indian history Department | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 29-30 Aug.2017 |
One day workshop on Future Trends of Tourism | organized by dept. of tourism management | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 03 Aug. 2017 |
One day workshop on Health Hospitality management | organized by dept. of tourism management | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 02 Feb.2018 |
International Conference on Food Culture & Tourism | Organized by Tourism Management Department | Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar | 23-24 April 2018 |
Indian Hospitality congress Food Culture & Tourism International conference | Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 23-24 April 2018. |
Two days national workshop on Sabhya samaj-Swachchha Bharat | from NSS Department | Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar | 23-24 September 2018. |
02 Days national Training Programme on world Tourism Day Celebration 2018 (Theme-Tourism and the Digital Transformation) from Dev Sanskriti University | by Tourism Dept. | Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar | 26-27 Sep.2018 |
Two days national workshop on Sabhya samaj-Swachchha Bharat | from NSS Department | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 23-24 September 2018. |
Two days’ workshop on Promoting Women for Entrepreneurship in Tourism | from Tourism Department | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | May 2019 |
Two days national workshop on Value and Ethics in Tourism Industry | Tourism Department | Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | Aril 2019 |
National Workshop on Tourism and Community Development |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 26-27 September 2014 |
National Workshop on Quality of Work-life in Human Resource Management |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 19-20 September 2014 |
National Workshop on Cultural Tourism Management through Social Service |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 04-10 July 2014 |
National Workshop on Disaster Mountain Manner and Eco-friendly Adventure Tourism – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 06-12 April 2014 |
National Workshop on Disaster Social Work and Tourism Management – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | 22-28 February 2014 |
International Conference on Food Culture & Tourism |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | October 11-12 2013 |
State-level Workshop on Water & Tourism (Protecting our Common Future) |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | September 27 2013 |
Future Trends & Prospect of Hospitality & Tourism Industry – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | September 14-15 2013 |
Workshop on New Job Trends in Tourism Sector – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | July 24-25 2013 |
Workshop on Adventure &Extreme Tourism |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | January 11-12 2013 |
Workshop on Adventure Tourism – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | February 28 – 29 2012 |
International Conference on Nourishing the Balance of the Universe: Through Tourism & Cultures – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | March 3-5 2012 |
Workshop on Tourism and Sustainable Energy – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | September 27 2012 |
Workshop on Tourism Linking Cultures – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | September 27 2011 |
National Level Workshop Technogyan – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | March 12 2011 |
State-level Seminar on Tourism and Biodiversity – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | September 27 2010 |
Orientation Program in Tourism – |
| Dev Sanskriti University Haridwar | November 10-16 2008 |
Name | Guide | Topic |
Pankaj Singh Chandel | Dr. Umakant Indolia | Effect of Home Stay Tourism on local community development – A study of Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India |
Prakhar Singh Pal | Dr. Monika Pandey | |
Prachi Agarwal | Dr. Arunesh Parashar | |
Ashish Kumar | Dr. Usha Jaiswal | Management |
Name | Travel Company | Place |
Vibha Negi | Travel Vaidya Pvt. Ltd | New Delhi |
Pallavi Porwal | Travel Vaidya Pvt. Ltd | New Delhi |
Shraddha Raj | Travel Triangle | New Delhi |
Sakshi Chowdhary | Satguru Travel agency | Ajmer |
Amrita Senger | Enduring Journey Travel | New Delhi |
Avantika Shrivastav | Trendy Explore (MD) | New Delhi |
Mamta Chauhan | Amazing Uttarakhand Travels | Haridwar |
Sushmita Raj | Abeona Tours | Gurugram |
Deepak Kotiyal | Trek Destination Travel Agency | Dehradun |
Shashank Maheshwari | Amazing Uttarakhand Travels | Haridwar |
Amit Mishra | ABD Holidays Travels | Haridwar |
Shailendra Rawat | ABD Holidays Travels | Haridwar |
Deeksha Saxena | Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation(MTDC) | Pune |
Name | Travel Company | Place |
Deepanshu Tyagi | Travel Vaidya Pvt. Ltd | New Delhi |
Vidyaranya Shubham | Travel Vaidya Pvt. Ltd | New Delhi |
Sandhya Singh | Travel Ride | Haridwar |
Pragya Kumari | Lakkshay Travels | New Delhi |
Sakshi Krishna | Lakkshay Travels | New Delhi |
Satyam Kumar | Amazing Uttarakhand Travels | New Delhi |
Shubham Shukla | Amazing Uttarakhand Travels | Haridwar |
Ashutosh Mishra | Self | Gurugram |
Parul Sharma | Trek Destination Travel Agency | Dehradun |
Luyash Shahu | Amazing Uttarakhand Travels | Haridwar |
Ashutosh Agarwal | ABD Holidays Travels | Haridwar |
Tejashwini Chandra | Trek Destination Travel Agency | Dehradun |
Veena Raju | Kesari Travels | Pune |
Dr. Arunesh Parashar
Email –
Phone – +91-9258369771
Dr. Umakant Indolia
Email –
Phone – +91-9258369751
Email –
Dr Ashish Dahiya – Director, Tourism Institute, M.D.U. Rohtak |
Mr. Pawan Kotiyal – Deputy Director, Tour My India Travel Company |
Prof. Sunil Kabia – Head of Department, IHTM Bundelkhand University, Jhansi |
Dr Mohinder Chand – Professor, Tourism Department, Kurukshetra University |
Mr Vipin Pant – Professor, Delhi University |
Dr Luvkush Mishra – Director, Tourism Department, Agra University |
Prof. S.C. Bagri – Vice-Chancellor, Himgiri Zee University, Dehradun |
Dr. Ashish Dahiya – Director, Tourism Institute, M.D.U. Rohtak |
Dr Ankush Bali – Assistant Professor, Tourism Department, Kurukshetra University |
Dr Rajkumar Gupta – IHM, PUSA, New Delhi |
Dr Hemant Bisht – Vaniki University, Dehradun |
Mr Subodh Chaudhari – HoD, Tourism Department, MDU, Rohtak |
Dr Amit Gangotiya – Assistant Professor Jammu Central University |
Dr Nimit Chaudhary – Prof. Department of Tourism, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi |
Prof. S.K Gupta – Dean, School of Management, Garhwal University Srinagar |
Prof. R.A. Sharma – Director, IHTM Jivaji University, Gwalior |
Dr Punit Gautam – Associate Professor, Mizoram University |
Mr Manish Gupta – Director, Go India Journey Travel Company, Delhi |
Prof. S.K. Gupta – Dean, School of Management, Garhwal University Srinagar |
Prof. Mohinder Chand – Professor, Tourism Department Kurukshetra University |
Mr Mahipal Rawat – Head (North India) Jet Fleet Company Delhi |
Dr Amit Mathur – Assistant Professor, Tourism Department, Kurukshetra University |
Dr Anup Kumar – Assistant Professor, M.D.U. Rohtak |
Mr. Kamal Lasiyal – Assistant Professor, Doon Hotel Institute Dehradun |
Semester I | Credits |
Tourism Concepts and Principles | 04 |
Tourism in Uttarakhand | 04 |
Information Technology in Tourism | 04 |
Management Concepts & Organizational Behavior | 04 |
Accounting for Managers | 04 |
Hospitality Management | 04 |
Practical – Case study & Presentation- 1 | 02 |
Practical – Field Visit & Tour Report – 2 | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester II | Credits |
Travel Agency and Tour Operations | 04 |
Tourism Resources of India | 04 |
International Tourism & Geography | 04 |
Tourism Marketing | 04 |
Health & Spiritual Tourism | 04 |
Practical – Yoga and Wellness Tourism – 1 | 04 |
Practical – Case study & Presentation – 2 | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester III | Credits |
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Organizations | 04 |
Air Ticketing and Fare Construction | 04 |
Tourism Policy and Planning | 04 |
Human Resource Management | 04 |
Event Management & MICE | 04 |
Practical – Itinerary & Communication – 1 | 02 |
Practical – Field Visit and Tour Report – 2 | 02 |
Research methodology | 04 |
Indian Culture & Heritage Management | 04 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester IV | Credits |
Tour Package Management | 04 |
Dissertation | 06 |
Industrial Training Report and Viva Voce | 04 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester I | Credits |
Tourism Products of India – Natural&Cultural | 04 |
Principles and Practices of Management | 04 |
Tourism Management Information System | 04 |
Spiritual Tourism | 04 |
Tourism Management (Field Study) | 02 |
Environment/Communication | 04 |
Life Management | 04 |
Basics of Tourism | 02 |
Semester II | Credits |
Travel Agency and Tour Operations Business | 04 |
Tourism Organizations | 04 |
Business Communication | 04 |
Destination Mapping – India and World | 04 |
Health Tourism | 04 |
Tourism Management Practical Aspects | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
New Trends & Tourism | 04 |
Semester III | Credits |
Tour Guiding and Escorting Skills | 04 |
Human Resource Management | 04 |
Hotel and Resort Management | 04 |
Consumer Behaviour in Tourism | 04 |
Eco Tourism | 04 |
Tourism Management (Field Study) | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester IV | Credits |
Adventure Tourism | 04 |
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Units | 06 |
Fundamentals of Aviation Management | 04 |
Publicity and Public Relations in Tourism Industry | 04 |
Cultural and Heritage Tourism | 04 |
Tourism Management Practical Aspects | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester V | Credits |
Contemporary Issues and Trends in Tourism | 04 |
Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism | 06 |
Travel Writing and Photography | 04 |
Teerth Yatra Management – Insight of AWGP | 04 |
Rural Tourism | 04 |
Tourism Management (Field Study) | 02 |
Life Management | 02 |
Semester VI | Credits |
Airfares and Ticketing | 04 |
Itinerary Preparation and Tour Package Management | 04 |
Industrial Training Report and Viva Voce | 04 |
Life Management | 02 |
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