Department of Rural study and sustainability

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

About the Department

Established on 21st June 2004 as the  ‘Department of Rural Management’.

Earlier a ‘Creative Cell’ in Shantikunj (Mother Organisation) from 1995 to 2004 to give concrete shape to Yugrishi’s Gram Teerth Yojana through various trainings.

After the restructuring of the university in 2018, the name of this department has been changed to the  Department of Rural Studies and Sustainability.


Develop villages as a cultured, addiction free, clean, healthy, educated and self reliant with full of cooperation and become model of Rural India’s development.


  • Understand the problems of the Indian rural sector
  • Preparing resource persons for rural development works.
  • Develop appropriate skill-based training programmes for rural development.
  • Develop an institutional framework across the country for training and development.

Develop a network of efficient ‘Gaushalasacross the country for the overall development of villages.

Contact Details

K.S. Tyagi

M.Sc.Ag, LLB, Emeritus Professor


  Soil Conservation, Water Management, Rural Development

DR. T.C. Sharma

T.C. Sharma

B.V.Sc, Emeritus Professor


Animal Husbandry, Veterinarian, Swavlamban

Er. Sahdev Singh

Sahdev Singh

B.Tech (Agri). PDGBA, Emeritus Professor


Agri Engineering, Rural Development

RKg Photo 30.1.24


M.Sc M.Sc. Ag, Ph.D., PGDBA, Emeritus Professor


Agriculture and


Dr. Bhagwan Singh

Bhagwan Singh

M.Sc. Ag, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor



Dr. A.B. Pandey


M.V.Sc, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor


Animal Husbandry, Veterinarian,

Dr. C.M. Shukla

C.M. Shukla

M.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor


Rural Development


arthik swavalamban bhag 1 (Hindi)

arthik swavalamban bhag 3 (Hindi)

ashtr ke arthatantr ka merudand gaushala (Hindi)

gopalan evam goshala prabandhan sandarshika (Hindi)

kenchua khad (varmi kalchar) sandarshika (Hindi)


gramin swavalamban rastiya karyashala

Akhil Bhartiya gramin vikash karyashala

• Bal Sanskar shala
• Promotion of Cottage and Home based Industry
• Promotion of Self-Help Groups
• Sanitation and Cleaning
• Plantation
• Anti-addiction Campaign
• Consultancy to visiting Gayatri Parijan in various areas of rural development (Cow husbandry,
fruit & vegetable processing, employment generation, Organic Farming, Vermicomposting, etc.


Brief Introduction

About the Department

The Faculty has one Department: Department of Rural Studies and Sustainability

Establishment year- 2004

Vision & Mission of Founder-Patron of the University, Pt. Sri Ram Sharma Acharya was suitably considered before conceptualizing the course. The course was aimed to provide solutions to grass roots problems and the unique requirements of Indian rural areas. It was also believed that there is a need to create a live model, which could lead to making a village self- reliant, for all purposes. Such a model has been developed in the University and has been considered a focal point of the course. The employment generation possibilities, self-employment and placements in the NGOs, Govt. and Non
Govt. Sectors were also considered while designing the curriculum. The draft curriculum was submitted to the Board of studies meeting and was eventually approved by the academic council.


  • Well-qualified, experienced & dedicated faculty in various disciplines.
  • Well-furnished workshops for training.
  • Well-equipped labs for practical experience.
  • Model Gaushala for Indian Cow husbandry.
  • Cordial working atmosphere in department for better outputs.


  • Ample opportunities to provide training for self-employment in campus & countrywide.
  • Wide scope to expand our extension services to various parts of the country.
  • To publish article on various aspect of rural development & self-employment in reputed Journals.
    Ample opportunities for applied research.
  • To provide consultancy as a social service.

Future plans of the department.

  • To make the school of swavlamban recognized as a Centre for Excellence.
  • To start a scholastic journal from the Department of Rural Studies and Sustainability 
  • To start a certificate programme &  vocational skills.


Yug Rishi Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, the founder of YUG NIRMAN Mission (the mother organisation of DSVV) has given significant importance to development and upliftment of Rural India. His motto has been that every village should be developed as a pilgrimage centre with the objective of village upliftment and village community service. All efforts be made in this direction treating this as the workshop of village deity. He has emphatically said “upliftment of 80% population (now 68%) is the real elevation of the nation. If this population remains deprived and in neglected state, then it would be illusionary to think that few handful islands of prosperity can provide a base for the progress of the whole nation. Indeed the progress of rural life is the synonymous with national progress. If this backwardness persists, then all claims of national progress, will prove hollow. In this regard his vision is :-

  1. Every village should be self-reliant for its requirements. It should export more and import less from cities.
  2. KUTIR UDYOG KO HUR GHAR MEY STHAAN MILEY, HAR KHALI HAATH KO KAM MILEY. (Labour-based cottage industry should find a place in every house so that everybody gets self-employment) Only this can provide a solution to unemployment and eradication of poverty. This can also check the flow from village to metro town & avoid creation of clusters of poverty in the form of slums.
  3. Cow husbandry should be adopted as a cottage industry with agriculture farming.
  4. Co-operation, collectiveness and industriousness should be an integral component of the development.
  5. PARISHKRIT DHARM TANTRA SEY LOK SHIKSHAN KO VIKAS KA ANG BANEY (Refined religious system should be used as a mass motivational/educational mechanism so as to make them committed for target developmental activity.)
  6. SAMAY DAAN (Time donation), ANSH DAAN (Petty saving for social concern) and SHRAM DAAN (Labour giving) should be brought in practice so as to develop a public developmental system.
  7. Human spiritual evolution (development) should be made an essential component of the overall developmental process so as to develop/induce in one the spirit of selfless service to others.
  8. A Volunteer worker involved in social service, should minimize his personal needs and lead a simple exemplary life.

Vision of YUGRISHI is the guide line and vision of the department and to translate the vision into grand reality is the mission of the department. All our efforts and activities are directed to achieve this end.

A model of rural development which can solve grass root problems and can meet the requirement of a village has been named YUGRISHI KI GRAM TEERTH YOJNA by YUG NIRMAN MISSION, which aims at developing SANSKAR YUKT, VYASAN MUKT, SWACHCH, SWASTH, SHIKSHIT, SWAVLAMBI EVAM SAHAKARYUKTA village (i.e. a cultured, addiction free, clean, healthy, educated and self-reliant village which is full of cooperation). This is a spiritual model of Rural India’s development.


Developing such a model of holistic development is the mission of the department.

1. To develop/identify technology and programmes for the rural development in accordance of necessities of rural India based on ground reality.

2. To develop required human resources for rural development.

3. To develop suitable teaching and training programmes.

4. To develop organizational structure countrywide to organize training and developmental programmes at the village level.

5. To develop a network of efficient GAUSHALAS all over the country for holistic development of the village.

Salient Features of the Department

1. Curriculums of teaching & training programmes of ‘SWAVLAMBI GRAM VIKAS’ being executed by the department, have been designed, keeping in view that the holistic and comprehensive development of rural areas where 2/3 population of the country resides, should be in accordance with the peculiarities and needs of our country. Peculiarities of our country are that it is Rishi based, village based, Krishi based, Labour based, Rain fed, uneducated and full of diversities.

2. Developing a Public system of development to solve their problems (related to sanitation, health, unemployment, illiteracy, costly and unprofitable agriculture farming, unproductive & productive livestock, awakening and empowering women population, rain water conservation, eradication of addictions and evil traditions etc.), themselves using local human & financial resources.

Object of our curriculum is not confined only to teaching and training but to develop a new unique system of development which is based on SAMAYDAAN (Time donation) and ANSHDAAN(Petty Savings donations). Samayadan is the source of human resource availability and ANSHDAAN is the source of monetary resource availability. Thus the SAMAYDAAN, ANSHDAAN and SHRAMDAAN are the foundation pillars of the public development system. This system is working in the field as well as in the department. All our teaching and non-teaching staffs are SAMAYDAANI (Volunteers).

3. Developing Confidence in Participants (Students and Social Workers) of various teaching and training programmes who come from an ordinary educational and economic background, for their respectful and reasonable livelihood through cottage enterprises. They are given practical training for skill development of such cottage enterprises which are need based & can be established in village with a small investment and can meet their requirements and the requirements of other villagers. Such self employed persons can inspire and guide others for the self employment by establishing small scale business which in turn can help to reduce migration from villages.

4. Establishing Training centres in the field with the cooperation and help of organisational units of ‘YUG NIRMAN MISSION’ (SHAKTIPEETHS, ZONES, and SUBZONES), RACHNAATMAK TRUSTS and RACHNAATMAK KENDRAS, where from training can be given to workers about rural development and too uneducated, semi-educated and highly educated unemployed male and female youth and adults about cottage enterprises for their self-employment. 30 such training centres are working in various parts of the country.

5. Promoting physical labour based cottage industry in accordance with the saying of YUG RISHI Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya “KUTIR UDYOG KO HUR GHAR MAIN STHAAN MILEY, HUR KHAALI HATH KO KAAM MILEY” “Cottage industry in every house, employment to everyone”, as this is the only solution to eradicate poverty and engage our labour resource which we have in plenty. We have to remember this significant fact that India is a country which has 16% population and only 6% land in the world; this means that we have 2.5 times more population on every unit of land. This human resource which seems to be a curse can be converted into a boon if engaged in boosting up cottage industries.

6. Department has developed a live model of Cottage enterprises as demonstration & training which can cater the needs of the village from morning to evening.

A Unique model of development for Rural India

A Social system and model of development for Rural India is being developed by Yug Nirman Mission, Shantikunj the mother organisation of DSVV, at National Level under the guidance of Dr. Pranav Pandya, Head of All World Gayatri Pariwar and Chancellor of the DSVV. The Salient features of this model are as under:

  1. No Governmental fund is involved as this organisation does not accept it as a policy.
  2. This system of development is based on ‘SAMAYDAAN AND ANSHDAAN. All financial requirements are met through Ansha Daan (Muththi Fund) and man power requirement of all categories is fulfilled by SAMAYDAAN.
  3. The technologies and programmes for the development have been designed in accordance with the necessities of Rural India based on ground realities.
  4. For small and marginal farmer’s community of India which is about 78%, a system of farming which is totally organic, based totally on personal resources and can meet most family requirements directly, is being encouraged and developed.
  5. Cow husbandry is being promoted as the backbone of Rural India’s economy. A system of Cow based agriculture, cow based health, cow based energy and cow based cottage industry is being encouraged. A country wide network of ‘Gaushalas’ is being developed as training centres for rural areas.
  6. For income and employment generation, a system of such cottage industries is being developed which is based on physical labour and local resources. It needs lesser training and lesser investment and can meet the important day-to-day needs of a rural communities.
  7. In order to attain natural health and be free from ailments the people are being encouraged and trained to adopt the basic principles of AHAR AND VIHAR (Food & routine) in life. For easier and cheaper cure the Cow therapy, Herbal therapy, Naturopathy, Asana & Pranayama and Yagyopathy are being promoted as base for rural health.
  8. An independent and parallel education system at community level is being developed in order to supplement the prevailing government education system. Establishing ‘BALA SANSKARSHALAS’ for school-going children of 5 to 11 years age, ‘PRAUDHA PATHASHALAS’ (Adult Education), for illiterate men and women, SWAVALAMBAN TRAINING Centres for unemployed youth and PRAGYA PUSTAKALAYAS to inspire and guide the masses for the betterment of life is the part of the system.
  9. A system of ‘SAMUHIK SHRAMDAAN’ is being practiced and developed for community works like sanitation of public places, greenery development, rain water conservation, construction and renovation of roads.
  10. Collectiveness and co-operation have been an integral part of rural life and their work culture. Growing materialistic approach and mechanization in life during the last few decades, has badly eroded this culture. This has resulted into numerous problems of rural community. This mission & university is re-establishing this culture of cooperation and collectiveness through its day to day working system. This is also being adopted as an important part of all rural development programmes.
  11. Since the entire working system of this mission & university is based on arousing generosity and divinity in men, therefore developing spirituality is the backbone of this model of rural development. Spirituality in nutshell aims at developing morality, virtuous conduct, simplicity and generosity in life. Without inducing generosity in men, the desired benefits cannot reach the rural people, in spite of excellent planning and programmes. Also for developing social accountability in masses spirituality is the only solution.

This model of self-reliant rural development is being developed by this mission & University in the name of ‘GRAM TEERTH YOJNA’. It aims at developing SANSKARYUKTA, VYASANAMUKTA, SWACHCH, SWASTHA, SHIKSHIT, SWAVALAMBI EVAM SAHAKARYUKTA village (i.e. cultured, addiction free, clean, healthy, educated and self-sufficient village which is full of co-operation). This is a spiritual model for Rural Development.

1. Teaching Programmes / टीचिंग प्रोग्राम

  • Three years UG Course ‘Bachelor of Rural Studies’ (Min. Qualification 12th pass) ( तीन वर्षीय डिग्री – ग्राम्य प्रबंधन )
  • Two Year M.Sc. Course ‘Applied Medicinal Plant Sciences’   ( दो वर्षीय एम.एस.सी. ‘एप्लाइड मेडिसिनल प्लांट सांइसेज ‘)

2. Training Programs / ट्रेनिंग प्रोग्राम (For Social Workers)

  1. Forty-five days ‘Swablambi Gram Vikas’ program with a compulsory internship/Samaydan of 3 months. ( 45 दिवसीय स्वावलम्बी ग्राम्यविकास प्रशिक्षण )
  2. Nine days ‘Orientation of Swavlambi Gram Vikas’ Programme. (9 दिवसीय स्वावलम्बी ग्राम्यविकास प्रशिक्षण )
  3. Fifteen days ‘Gaushala Management’ Programme. (15 दिवसीय गौशाला प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण)
    • One month Programme in Woolen & Cotton Cloth Weaving’ (एक मासीय- ऊनी एवं सूती कपड़ा बुनाई )
    • One month Programme in ‘Carpet & Dari Weaving (एक मासीय-कालीन एवं दरी बुनाई )

3. Two-month Programs in Hand made paper products / हस्त निर्मित कागज उद्योग एक

    • One month Programme in ‘Handmade paper production’ ( मासीय-हस्त निर्मित कागज का निर्माण )
    • One month Programme in ‘Paper Conversion Production Training ( एक मासीय-कागज के उत्पाद निर्माण प्रशिक्षण )

4. Fifteen days of elementary training in Jute Product making. ( 15 दिवसीय- जूट उत्पाद निर्माण प्रशिक्षण )

  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Agarbatti Udyog (अगरबत्ती उत्पाद 10  दिवसीय  )
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Screen Printing ( स्क्रीन प्रिंटिंग दिवसीय  )
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Paper Production ( कागज उत्पाद दस दिवसीय  )
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Earthworm manure ( केंचुआ खाद दस दिवसीय  )
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Incense stick ( धुप बत्ती दस दिवसीय  )
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Incense stick (
  • 10-Day Programme in ‘Incense stick ( यज्ञोपवीत निर्माण प्रशिक्षण दो दिवसीय  )

Faculty Members

Teaching Staff

Sl. No.NameQualificationDesignationSpecializationNo. of Years of Experience
1Mr. K.S. TyagiM. Sc. (Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry ), LLBEmeritus Professor
Head of Department
Soil and Water Conservation & Management, Rural Development, Entrepreneurship DevelopmentAdministrative : 31
Teaching & Training: 22
2Dr. T.C SharmaB.V.Sc.& A.HEmeritus ProfessorRural DevelopmentTeaching : 47
3Dr. Bhagwan SinghM.Sc(AG), Ph.D.Emeritus ProfessorHuman Resource DevelopmentTeaching: 8
4Dr. Chandramani ShuklaM.A., B.Ed., Ph.DAssistant ProfessorRural DevelopmentTeaching: 5
5Dr. R.G SharmaB.V.Sc.& A.H Animal HusbandryIndustry: 04
Teaching : 04
7Dr. R. K. GuptaM Sc (Ag.) Agronomy, Ph.D., PGDBA Crop Production, Seed Improvement, Production Enhancement & Extension in NDDB and Mother DairyIndustry & Reaserch:35
8Shri D.P. SinghBE (Mech), Diploma in Agri Implements & Tractors (CSSR) Bee Keeping, Vermi-Compost, Rural Development, Solid Waste Management, Non Conventional Energy, Farm equipments ManagementAgro Industrial Corporation : 32
DSVV & Shantikunj: 17
9Mr. Dilip SarahM.Com,MBA, Ph.D.(Pursuing)LecturerManagement, (Account & Finance)Teaching : 05
9Mr. Sahadev SinghB-Tech Agro Engineer Rural DevelopmentTeaching : 05

Notable Alumni

List the distinguished alumni of the department

Research Thrust Areas

  • Disaster Management

  • Industrialization and its impacts

  • Solid waste management

  • Ecosystem services

  • Disaster Management

  • Rejuvenation of Ganga River

  • Epidemiology and Public Health


List of Workshops

Faculty Development Workshop organised on 18th -19th January 2013 by the training cellDev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
National Workshop on Plant based Management Ganga Water Pollution held on 4th August, 2012, organised in joint departmental collaboration with Department of Environmental Science,Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar & National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow.
Workshop to promote small scale industry – organised jointly by KVIB on 1stMarch 2012Dehradun, Uttrakhand & Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Workshop on Water Sustainability on 26th May, 2012Jointly organised by Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar & IWWA, Bombay
Workshop to promote small scale industry on 1st March 2012Jointly organised by KVIB Dehradun, Uttarakhand & Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
National Workshop on Plant based Management Ganga Water Pollution held on 4th August, 2012,DSVV Rural Management & NBRI, Lucknow.
Workshop on Water Quality Management for urban Rural People, jointly organised in October 2011Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar & IWWA Bombay
12 days Faculty Development Programme in entrepreneurship (2011)Organised by KITE Gaziabad at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Workshop on Water Conservation strategies – held on 30th October 2010. Jointly organised by TARUN Bharat Samachar Rajasthan,Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar& IIT, Roorkee
12 days Faculty Development Programme in Entrepreneurship (20th to 31st August 2007)Organised by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Lucknow at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Sl. No.Name of productUses in briefImage
1ChyavanprashGeneral tonic, ailments of digestive systems, health tonic, Excellent remedy for enhancing the immune system
2Dadima AvalehaHealth tonic made from Pomegranate and numerous other herbs, Excellent remedy for enhancing the immune system
3Anwala ChutneyMade from fresh Anwala, good for digestion, general tonic
4Anwala CandyMade from fresh Anwala, good for digestion, general tonic
5Anwala MurabbaMade from fresh Anwala, general tonic
6Anwala JamMade from fresh Anwala, general tonic
7Mixed JamMixed fruit Jam, good for health
8Apple JamMade from fresh apples, good for health
9Guava JellyMade from Fresh Guavas
10Lemon PickleMade from fresh lemons plus spices, good for digestion
11Mango PickleMade from fresh mangoes plus spices, good for digestion
12Mango ChutneyMade from fresh mangoes and spices
13Pragya Dant ManjanHerbal tooth powder, good for mouth hygiene
14Kamdhenu Dant ManjanHerbal toothpowder with cow urine, good for mouth hygiene
15Papad & VadiMade from pulses and spices
10Paraffin ProductsLike cold Balm, Vicks etc
11Soaps & DetergentsFor general household use
Note : These products should be used only after the advice of a competent medical practitioner

Cow Culture based Products (Trainee Products)

Sl. No.Name of productUses in briefDosages and precaution
1Cow urine arkaGeneral tonic, ailments of digestive systems such as indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation, urine related disorders, kidney problems, skin diseases, anemia, obesity and cancer etc.5 to 10 ml arka in half cup of water in empty stomach stage or with 5 ml honey. Avoid eating anything at least for half an hour. Twice a day. In cancer on the advice of the physician.
2Kamdhenu turmeric Ghan BatiAsthma, common cold, skin diseases, high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, common rheumatism, cancer etc.1 to 2 tablets twice a day after meal with water or as per doctors advise
3Kamdhenu Haritiki PowderFlatulence,Indigestion, Constipation, loss of appetite, Piles, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Jaundice. General digestor and Enriching hunger. Excellent remedy for Stomach-ache.1 tea spoon twice a day with warm water or as prescribed by the physician.
4Gomaya massage oil (Pain Relieving Oil)Gastric problem, massage medium, arthritis, Joint pain, Sciatica etc.For external use only.Use as massage medium after mild warming. As per need.
5Gomaya Tooth PowderVarious ailments of gums and teethFor brushing the teeth daily twice a day at least for 5 minutes.
6Gomaya Bathing Soapuseful in all skin diseases, safe cosmetic uses.For external use only.
7Gomaya Ubatan (Face Pack)Pimples, face beautifier, skin nourishment, skin wrinkle remover and useful for hair.For external use only, one tea spoon ubtan plus two tea spoon water or gulab jal or rose water or cow milk. Use as a skin paste on the face. Wash with luke warm water after drying.
8Kamdhenu Kesh Nikhar ShampooHair shedding, grey hair, dandruff etc. are remediated by the product successfully.Rub 10 ml kesh nikhar on hair carefully and wash after 10 to 15 minutes with warm water.
9Gomaya Dhoop BatiEnvironment purifier, general health tonic, safe insecticide full of natural essence.Leave after lighting.
Note : These products should be used only after the advice of a competent medical practitioner

Research Scholar

Doctoral Students


Departmental Infrastructural Facilities

Internet facilities– Both LAN and wi-fi facilities are available for staff and students.

No. of class rooms-                   03

ICT facility room                        00

Student laboratory                    02

Research laboratory                  00

Departmental Library– with more than 700 books along with 2300 books in the central library


Placements Batch


  • Dr. Karan Singh was selected for National Professorship by I.C.A.R.
  • Dr.  Karan  Singh  was  selected  for  National  Award  for  authoring standard reference books by GOI, New Delhi
  • Dr. Karan Singh was recognised for writing reference books in English by GOI, New Delhi

Contact Us

Head of Department

Dr. T.C Sharma

Email –

Phone – +91- 9258369774

Departmental query at

Department of Rural Management, Dev  Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gayatrikunj, Shantikunj, Haridwar, Pin- 249411.

Phone  No. 01334 – 261367

Intercom/Ext. 5419, 5469 & 5470, Phone- 09258360526


Distinguished Visitors

Special & Guest Lecturer in department by External Expert

Visiting Faculty

Sl. No. Name & Designation Subject Dates
1 Mr.Shravan Kumar Mishra Banking Operations 12/09/2012 and 08/10/2013
2 Mr. Baldev Singh I.A.S.D.M. Balaghat (M.P.) Election & Right to vote 17/09/2012
3 Ms.Kiran Kapoor Legal Advisor Property Law 18/09/2012
4 Mr.Anuj Kumar Jain, Bank Manager, SBI, Haridwar Account Opening and Banking Operations 20/09/2013
5 Ms. Charu Arora Legal Cell Account keeping, Book Keeping and Taxes 28/09/2012 and 07/10/2013
6 Sri Deepak Nandi, ADM, Badmer, Rajasthan Rural Policies 24/09/2012
7 Mr. Mohan Lal, Sub Post Master, Shantikunj Post Office Operations 07/09/2012 and 07/10/2013
8 Dr. S. P. Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Shridhar University, Pilani Entrepreneurship 18/10/2013
9 Mr. Satyendra Shrivastava, EDI, Lucknow Rural Development 04/08/2013
10 Mr. Pankaj Tiwari, Director, CMAP Institute, Dehradun Sustainable Agriculture 11/04/2012
3 Dr. O.P Sharma
3 Nilamber Josi
3 Bharatbhushan Tyagi
3 Pramod Sahu
3 Dr. Atul Joshi
3 Sunil Mansingh


Semester study Layout

Topics covered – 3 years degree course

Rural Development

  1. Rural Economy & Rural social problems of India.
  2. Rural Development: concept and dimension
  3. Communication skills for Rural Development
  4. Voluntary Sector and Rural Development

Agriculture & Horticulture

  1. Introduction to Agriculture
  2. Production technology of medicinal & aromatic plants
  3. Crop Management & their production Technology
  4. Integrated disease & pest management
  5. Organic Farming, Soil, and Soil fertility management
  6. Rain Water conservation & Watershed Management
  7. Introduction to Horticulture
  8. Gardening & Nursery Development

Animal husbandry

  1. Fundamentals of Cattle husbandry & Farm Management
  2. Dairy management

Rural Industry

  1. Rural Entrepreneurship Development & Small Business Management
  2. Rural Marketing
  3. Marketing Management
  4. Rural Credit, Self Help Group & Women Empowerment
  5. Accounting & Financial Management

Other useful subjects

  1. Common Property Resource Management & Livelihood
  2. Rural Energy
  3. Rural health, hygiene, sanitation &Yoga
  4. Human Resource Development & management
  5. Organizational behavior and organizational development
  6. NGOs Management

Employment Opportunities and Future Studies

Placement in NGOs, Establish one’s own NGO as per one’s interest and targeted goals, Placement in Govt. Sector (Rural development),  Banks – As Field Officer • Gaushalas – as Gaushala Supervisor, Self Employment by establishing a small scale enterprise unit,  Pursue further studies – Master of Rural Studies (MRS)/ Master of Business Administration (MBA)/Master of Social Welfare (MSW).

6 Months Certificate Course – Animal Breeding & Management

The objective of the course is to make the incumbent competent to start a sustainable enterprise independently from any village covering 4-5 villages in the neighborhood. This may provide the skilled manpower employable in cattle farm/Gaushalas as assistant to veterinarians or supervision for regular Artificial Insemination, First Aid, housing, feeding, breeding management, and breed improvement jobs.


Outreach Program

Activities Of  Department

Fruits & Vegetable Preservation Lab

Fruits :-

Pickles, Jelly, Jams, Murabbas, Squashes, Sauce, Candy etc.

Vegetable :-

Pickles, Chips etc.

Cow based Product Lab

Production of Biogas as a source of alternate energy.

Production of organic manures pesticides as a replacement of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Production of various products of day to day use.

Handloom production unit

Imparting basic  knowledge & training in spinning, weaving of woollen & cotton cloths & Durry, Carpet making.

Handmade paper & paper products unit

Handmade paper production:- basic knowledge of raw materials used for making hand made paper & producing various kinds of paper products viz. File Cover, Carry bags, Certificates, Greeting & Wedding Cards, Envelops, File Covers & Show pieces, Photo frames, Lamp shades and Pen stands.

Soaps, Detergents & other daily need products unit

Washing & Bathing Soaps, Washing powder, Toilet, Tiles & Drainage cleaner etc

Agarbatti, Mombatti, Chalksticks, Vicks, Balm, Moov etc

Jute products unit

Making various daily use items for offices and house hold purposes. e.g. mobile cover, ladies purse & carry bags, shopping bags, office file, Dak Pad & seminar bags, etc.

Edible Oil extraction unit

Extraction of Oil from Mustard, Sunflower etc.

Solid Waste Management (SWM) Unit

(i) Collection of the waste from the target area.
(ii) Segregation of the waste into different components, such as degradable & non degradable (Plastic, iron, glass, leather etc.)
(iii) Utilization of the segregated material to convert into usable economic by products through recycling.

Example –
I. Organic manures
. Hand made papers & its products
II. Selling of non-degradable items

“Waste is not a waste it is a misplaced resource.”

Emphasizing this concept Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya has run a Solid waste Management project in the university to achieve the clean and garbage free zone over here.

Solid Waste Management, Why ?

Wastes Garbage if disposed improperly and at unsuitable place then it becomes the cause of polluting the environment and give rise to several kind of fatal diseases but on the other hand if they are managed efficiently then they could become even the source of income and making the environment clean as well as reducing the cost of raw materials for the industries via recycling procedure so there requires the immediate need for waste management.

SWM, How ?

The most androus task in waste management is that of segregation. The separation of the different categories of wastes is the most difficult task one would find and sometime reject to do it. But without segregation wastes cannot become resource so segregation is the key in waste management. Here in DSVV every residential, offices hostels etc are provided with two types of bins one of blue color and other of green color.

The blue one collects the dry garbage and the green one collects the biodegradable wet garbage which is to be disposed off daily for cattle feed or for vermin composting and the dry ones are collected once in a week and are segregated and sold to the recycling industries receiving a handsome pay in return of it.

All the garbage from Shantikunj and university campus both separately the degradable and the dry wastes where degradable garbage are either dumped off manuring or send for cattle feed and dry ones are separated into different categories and then sold off.

Achievements of SWM

  1. Terror of the monkeys which used attack on the garbage for food and sometimes attack the children is completely off.
  2. The intolerable bad smell coming off the degrading garbage is completely finished
  3. Cleanliness and hygiene is maintained at high level in the university.
  4. Awareness has been widely spread for the waste management in the University.
  5. “Gram Devatabhyo Namah” theme is turned out into reality
  6. Waste has been made as a source of income through several ways.

Informal Consultancy

Informal Consultancy to the visitors of department on various aspects of rural development is provided viz. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Soil & Water Conservation, Herbal Technology, alternate source of rural energy and self-employment etc. Following areas are also covered in this non-profit consultancy initiative:

  • Fruit & Vegetable based products
  • Bee Keeping
  • Vermi-composting
  • Hand loom Technology (Cloth, Carpet, Dari making etc.)
  • Jute diversified products
  • Hand made paper technology
  • Oil extraction (Tel Ghani)
  • Soap & Detergents Making
  • Paraffin products

Above consultancy is provided free of cost as a practice of social service.