Hindi Divas was celebrated with great fervour at the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. Various programs like essay competition, poetry recitation were organized under joint aegis of the Hindi and the Education Department. The program was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Shri Sharad Pardhi, the Dean of the Department of Education, Dr. Krishna Jhare, the Head of the Department of Hindi, Dr. Narendra Singh, the Head of the Department of Yoga, Prof. Suresh Barnwal, and the Head of the Department of Education, Dr. Mamta Arora by enlightening the inauguration lamp.
Addressing as the Chief Guest of the program, the Vice-Chancellor, Shri Pardhi said that we, the Indians, have our world settled in Hindi. It is not only our mother tongue but also the medium of expressing emotions residing within us. Under no circumstances can we afford to discard Hindi because it is a matter of our pride. There should always be respect and pride in our minds for Hindi.
Dr. Narendra Singh, the Head of the Hindi Department, explaining the importance and speciality of Hindi, said that Hindi is the language of the common people. It is so simple and scientific that any person of today’s era can easily adopt it. Dr. Krishna Jhare, the Dean of the Department of Education, said that the Hindi language is the conductor of life values. Great people of India have expressed themselves in Hindi itself. Dr. Mamta Arora, the Head of the Department of the Education, emphasized the importance of Hindi language. Prof. Suresh Barnwal, the Head of the Department of Yoga, said that all the countries of the world work in their own language, we should also do our work in our mother tongue Hindi.
At the end of the program, Dr. Ritudhwaj Singh, forwarded vote of thanks to all the guests and the members present.
On this occasion, the students of the University presented various models, posters on Hindi language. At the same time, the students read poignant poems on the mother and national language Hindi. Students were awarded for an essay writing competition on the need and utility of Hindi. Witnessing the occasion, teachers and students of the Department of Hindi and Education were present.