Department of Journalism and Mass communication

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar

About the Department

Department of Journalism & Mass Communication

The Department of Journalism & Mass Communication at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya was established in 2005 with a commitment to providing value-based education. It is inspired by the vision of Acharya Pt. Shri Ram Sharma—a saint, philosopher, reformer, and pioneer of scientific spirituality. The department is dedicated to shaping skilled media and film professionals who are guided by strong values and a deep sense of social responsibility.

The department believes that media and mass communication are powerful tools for bringing positive change to society. It aims to train students to use media not only for sharing information but also for inspiring, educating, and building a better society. With a focus on combining technical knowledge with human values, the department offers a balanced approach to media education. Students are trained in fields like journalism, film production, public relations, and digital media while being encouraged to practice ethical storytelling, cultural sensitivity, and social awareness. Equipped with modern facilities, experienced teachers, and a values-driven teaching style, the Department of Journalism & Mass Communication works to prepare future media professionals who can create meaningful content with a purpose to improve society.

The department is dedicated to advancing media education as a way to promote harmony, responsible leadership, and global understanding, staying true to the principles laid down by its visionary founder


Contact Details

Dr. Sukhnandan Singh

Dr. Sukhnandan Singh

(Faculty Dean, School of Communication, NEP Coordinator)


Print Media, Research, Editing, Blogging, Spiritual Journalism, Travel Journalism, Life Management

03 Dr. Smita Vashishta

Dr. Smita Vashishta

(Head of the Department ; Associate Professor)


Print Media, Feature Writing, Editing, Yoga and Spiritual Journalism 

02 Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj

Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj Nirala

(Associate Professor, Deputy Registrar, Head of the Department, PhD Cell Coordinator)


TV Journalism, Public Relations, Print Media

04 Dr. Deepak kumar

Dr. Deepak Kumar

Assistant Professor


Reporting, News Writing, Positive Journalism 

05 Mrs. Neha Singh

Mrs. Neha Singh

Assistant Professor


Environment communication, PR & Print Media 

06 Ms. Deepshikha Kumari

Ms.Deepshikha Kumari

Teaching Associate


Digital Storytelling (New Media & Multimedia), Content Writing, Radio and Television, Audio and Visual Editing 

08 Mr. Saurabh Kumar

Mr. Saurabh Kumar

Research Scholar (Full Time)


Photojournalism, Radio Journalism, Rural, Environment and Health Communication, Media Computer Skills, Audio - Visual Editing and Production, Documentary Production, Layout-design

09 Mr. Rajat Pandey

Mr. Rajat Pandey

Research Scholar (Full Time)


Television Journalism, Audio & Video Editing and Production, Documentary Production, Print & Design, Media Management, Intercultural Communication, Advertising & Public Relations, Campaign Planning

10 Mr. Vivek Pandey

Mr. Vivek Pandey

Research Scholar (Full Time)


Ad and PR, Research, MOJO, Digital Marketing 

Academic Programs offered by the Department

Ph. D. Journalism and Mass Communication 

Regular, Part- Time Program

Duration – 3 Years – 6 Years

Eligibility – 

Number of Seats – 

1. A. Journalism and Mass Communication

Regular Program

Duration -2 Years 

Eligibility – Bachelor’s degree with minimum 50% marks from any recognized university following 10+2+3 course pattern 

Number of Seats – 05

2. B.A. Journalism and Mass Communication (Honors) 

Regular Program

Duration – 4 Years 

Eligibility -Minimum 50% marks from any recognized secondary education board following a 10+2 pattern 

Number of Seats – 25

Courses taught in Academic Programs of other Departments


Short-Term Modular Courses offered by the Department

          Creative Writing

           Travel Blogging

           Spirituality in Day-to-Day Life

           Successful Student Life


Sanskriti Sanchar



Books and Chapters Published

Books and Chapters in Edited Volumes Published Per Teacher

Author Title Year ISBN Publisher Edition
Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj Dhyan Yoga 2022 9788124611173 D.K. Print World, New Delhi 1st Edition
Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj Yoga and Spiritual Journalism – Principles and Practice LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Ganga ka samaj aur sanskriti Chapter- Pavnta kee chunoti 2021 978-81-7975-956-1 Anamika Prakashan, New Delhi
Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj Celebrating Life with Yoga 2019 9788124608951 D.K. Print World, New Delhi 1st Edition
Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Spiritual Journalism 2022 978-93-54446-90586-04-5 EvincePub Publication, Bilaspur, CG
Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Himalya kee Vadiyon mein 2021 978-93-90586-28-8 EvincePub Publication, Bilaspur, CG
Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Aadhyatmik Patrakarita 2020 978-81-94559-75-7 Winsar Publishing Co., Dehradun, India
Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Badhta Chal Manjil ki Or (Kavita Sangrah) 2024



Seminars, Workshops, Tours, Lectures

Expert \ Guest Lecturers


Workshop on Understanding the Film Review

Shri Deepak Dua, National Awardee Film Critic


Content creation for Print & New Media

Reporting & Video Production for TV

Awareness Program on National Tobacco Day ( May)

Workshop on Agriculture Communication (March)  

Shrti Amrit Sharma, Senior Journalist, News 18 Network


Prof. Radheshyam Dixit


Utsarg Media Fest on National 

Press Day ( November)  and National Journalism Day (November)

Online Workshop on Radio Podcast

( November)

Online Session on TV Journalism (June)

Online Session on TV Journalism ( May)

Online Session on TV Journalism ( May)

Online Session on Environment and Science Communication  (May)

Webinar on Rural India, (January)

DSVV Campus Media Competition

Dr. Pankaj Garg, Associate Professor, Chitkara University, Chandigarh

Anurag Dixit, News Nation, Noida

Ashwani Pareek, ETV Bharat, Rajasthan

Pooja Saini, Post Producer & Editor, Zee Studios

Dr.Mukesh Bora, Research Fellow, VidhanSabha,Delhi

K.P. Dubey, National Youth Coordinator, Shantikunj


Online Workshop on Identifying & Debunking Medical Misinformation

( Sept.)

Interactive Session on Media Education (Sept.)

Dr. Aditya Shukla, Manipal University

Prof.K.G. Suresh, MakhanlalChaturvedi University, Bhopal


work shop on Film Appreciation(January)

Work Shop on basics of Photo Journalism & videography (March)

Media Fest  (Oct.)

संगोष्ठी स्वस्थ एवं स्वच्छ पत्रकारिता विषय (March)

Guest Lecture on Current Media Trends (October)

BhupendraKainthola, Director FTII (Film and Television Institute of India), Pune

Nickoli and Evanovich

Chitkara University, Chandigarh

National Union of Journalist Haridwar

Prof. KG Suresh Ex. DG, IIMC, Delhi.


Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

Workshop on Photo Journalism

Guest Lecture on Global Warming, ParyavaranSankat or Samadhan

Guest Lecture on development Communication (April)

Department Vision, activities with Print media Journalist (June)

Guest Lecture on Media Lekhan (Nov)

Dr. Sarah Markiewicz, Scientific Associate, Humboldt University on Intercultural communication

Rajendra Kumar Chadha, Pragya – Pravah,

Prof.NikolayVasilikhin, Russia

Rajkumar Bhardwaj, Director, EMRC, IIT Roorkee

ArunNathani, Dainik Tribune, Chandigarh

Jagat Singh Junglee


Media Fest ( 11 October)

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture

  Chitkara University, Chandigarh

Pankaj Saxena

Jagat Singh Junglee

Prof. K.K Ritu, Jalandhar University

S.K Tiwai, Danikswantatrachetna, Dehradun

Pravin Jha, Rashtriya Sahara, Haridwar

Shubhranshu Chaudhary, CGNET Swara

Media Festival on the occasion of National Press Day and National Journalism Day ‘Utsarg’

देव संस्कृति विश्वविद्यालया के जनसंचार एवं पत्रकारिता के विद्यार्थियों ने उड़ान मीडिया फेस्ट में सफलता की ऊंचाईयां छू लीं!  चितकारा विश्वविद्यालय, चंडीगढ़ में आयोजित इस प्रतियोगिता में 5 ट्रॉफियां हासिल कर 3 प्रथम स्थान और 2 द्वितीय स्थान पर अपना परचम लहराया। 


यह जीत केवल उनकी मेहनत का फल नहीं, बल्कि उनके अदम्य जज़्बे और समर्पण का परिचायक है।

फोटोग्राफी में प्रथम स्थान (Catch up the Glimpse) 

आरजे हंट में प्रथम स्थान 

सेल्फ “I” (सेल्फी) में प्रथम स्थान

न्यूज़ फ्लैश और मोबाइल जर्नलिज्म में दूसरा स्थान




Department of Journalism & Mass Communication was established in the year 2005 Department of Journalism & Mass Communication by Dev Sanskriti University, an educational institute committed to value-based education based on the philosophy and vision of Acharya Pt. Shree Ram Sharma – the saint, seer, philosopher, visionary, pioneer of Scientific Spirituality, and reformer par excellence. Department can be called a humble but determined effort in the direction of value-based quality media education committed to being an effective tool of positive change in society and the world at large. With a proper blend of theory & Practical, competent faculties and value inputs. Department is forging students into discipline media professors and academicians. With the active participation of the department in university publication work and media activities, it is gradually evolving as a center of excellence in its own way. With its research thrust on the Indigenous aspect of communication and positive journalism. It is on the way to establishing its center of excellence in this unexplored but much-sought area. The department has an excellent equilibrium of quality with ethics as well as fundamentals of journalism among students. In a short span, the Department has emerged as an ideal spot to groom the students into budding journalists and established some milestones in the direction of quality Media Education.



  • To prepare skilled Media & film professionals with a refined sense of Values & Social responsibility.
  • To Propagate Mass communication as a tool for positive change in society.

To provide Value-based Quality Media education to students.




Sl. No.Name of the Programme OfferedCategory
1.B.A in Journalism & Mass Communication – 3+1 Year (As Per New Education Policy)UG (Regular)
2.M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication with specilization in Print,Electronic,New media and Development Communication (MJMC) PG (Regular)
3.Doctorate in Journalism and Mass CommunicationPh.D.
4.Travel WritingShort Term Modular Course(STMC)

Faculty Members

NameQualificationDesignationSpecializationNo. of Years of Experience
Dr. Sukhnandan SinghMA-JMC, PhDHead of Department,Professor & HeadPrint media, Research, Editing, Spiritual Journalism, BloggingResearch : 12
Teaching : 18
Dr. Smita VashishtaMA-JMC, PhDSr. Assistant ProfessorTV Journalism, Public Relation, Print Media15
Dr. Ajay BhardwajMA, MA-JMC, PhDSr. Assistant ProfessorPrint Media, Editing, Yoga Journalism15
Dr. Deepak KumarMA-JMC, Ph.DAssistant ProfessorReporting, News Writing, Positive Journalism10
Mr. Rahul Kumar SatunaMA-JMC, Ph.D(Pursuing)Research ScholarTV, Media Management, Communication, Multimedia5.5
Mr. Saurabh KumarMA-JMC, Ph.D(Pursuing)Research ScholarMedia Computer Skills, Photography, Layout-design6.5
Mrs. Neha BhavsarMA-JMC, Ph.D(Pursuing-Part Time)LecturerEnviroment communication, PR & Print Media2
Ms. Maduri GaurMA-JMC, M.Phil JMC, Ph.D(Pursuing)Research ScholarAd, Radio TV, New Media4
Mr. Rajat Kumar PandeyMA-JMC, M.Phil JMC, Ph.D(Pursuing)Research ScholarPrint, TV, Photography2
Mr. Vivek KumarMA-JMCTechnical Assistant6 Month

Notable Alumni

List the distinguished alumni of the department
Sl. No.NameDesignationMedia/Production House
1Amardeep TripathiSeninor Sub editorAmar Ujala, NOIDA
2Awaneesh OjhaAssistant ProducerZee Business, New Delhi
3Sandhya DwivediSenior Editorial CoordinatorKhabar Lahariya, New Delhi
4Umashankar TiwariManaging EditorNational Frontier Magazine
5Pashyanti ShuklaAssistant ProfessorSharda University, Noida
6Surya Prakash SharmaNational PresidentWe for Youth Foundation, New Delhi, Creative Head, 3 G Studios
7Aditya ShuklaAssistant ProfessorAPG University, Shimla
8Akhilesh Kumar GuptaEditor & ProducerEMRC, IIT Roorkee
9Mukesh BoraEditor and Content writerArihant Publication, Delhi
10Neha SinghProgram CoordinatorGandhi Fellowship, Rajasthan
Research & Publication at Dept. of JMC
 Author’s NameResearch TitleDetails of conference/ Journal/PublicationISBN/ISSN/Year 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Value as the Core Tenet for Quality Media Education – Need, Challenges and Future: With Special Reference ToDevSanskriti University’s Value-Based EducationDevSanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal2279-0578/2019 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Vedic sanskriti mein Yagya – Ek smagra jeevan darshan evam sadhna pathInterdisciplinary Journal of Yagya Research2581-4885/2019 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Travelogue in Hindi literature and its contemporary stateNational seminar on Hindi and its relation with societyDSVV, Haridwar, 7-8 June 2019 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Bahubali-Bhartiya Cinema ke Vishwa Cinema kee aur Badte kadam- Ek samikshatamak AdhyayanThe International Conference On Indian Cinema And Alternative NetworkISBN-9788184578652/2018 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Uttarakhand ka vikas evam Patrakarita kee Bhumika,Uttarpath, Hindi monthly of Natioanlist Union of Journalist, Uttarakhand,RNI:UTTHIN/20146/66752/2018 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Web madhyam mein adhyatmik samgree ka barhta dayra –ek adhyayan, Book-Badlte daur kee Patrakarita,ICAN 2018, New DelhiISBN:978-81-934480-6-9/2018 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Communication from Indian Perspective – With special reference to Vedic spiritual traditionDev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal2279-0578/2017 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Singh, Sukhnandan, (2016),Spirituality, its meaning, need and importanceScholars Vision -Bi-Lingual International Research Journal2454-9568/2016 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Journalism for nation-building, with special reference to media educationAMITY Research Journal – Journal of Content, Community & communication2395-7514/2015 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Sakaratmak Patrakarita kee prathmik pathshala – Sanskriti SancharNational Seminar on Journalism for Positive Change, 2014ISBN:978-93-81212-23-3/2014 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Dharm, Adhyatam evam adhyatmik patrakarita – Bhartiya media ke sandarbh meinNational Seminar on Ancient & Spiritual sciences, 2014ISBN: 978-93-81212-22-6/2014 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Srimad BhagvadGeeta – a manual of spiritual communication – the way to excellence & perfection,China Media ResearchISSN 1556-889X/2014 
13.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghSpiritual Journalism & TV Channels in India, (Book Chapter)Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi2014 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh Dr. A K Shukla

New Media: Reality vs. VirtualityMedia Mimansa: Deiversity& Plurality in Media2229-5593/2013 
15.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghJadon se judkar hoga naye rashtra ka nirmaan,National Frontier, August, 2013ISSN 2321-2861/2013 
16.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghGuru to hei Shishya ke liye Shiv ke samaanNational Frontier, July 2013,ISSN 2321-2861/2013 
17.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghSingh, Sukhnandan, (2013). Spiritual Journalism in Indian Print Media – an Overview, Khatree, Neeraj (Ed.), Vol.1Civic challenges, democracy and media, Kalpaz publicationISBN N0. 978817 8359939/2013 
18.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghJeevan Mulyon Ka Sankat evam Adhyatamik PatrkaritaDevSanskriti Interdisciplinary International Journal2279-0578/ 2012. 
19.Prof. Sukhnandan SinghContent and quality of sacred space in Indian print mediaICAN, 2012ISBN:978-81-8457-401-2/2012 

Prof. Sukhnandan Singh

Dr. A K Shukla

Religion for Peace and Prosperity: Vivekananda Perspective, Saving Humanity,GBUAT, PantnagarISBN:978-81-923019-0-7/2012 
21.Prof. Sukhnandan Singh,Dr Krishna JhareMulya park Shiksha ka Adhar- Adhyatam,SevaChetna, Shiksha Visheshank, Bhaurao Devrash Sewa Nyas, Lucknow,ISSN: 2231-4660/2010 
1.Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj,


Meenakshi Uniyal

Impact of Twitter on NewspapersPramana Research Journal2249-2976/ 2020 
2.Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj, MeenakshiUniyalA Study to Evaluate Social Media as a Source for News MediaShodh Sanchar Bulletin2229-3620/ 2019 
3.Dr. Ajay BhardwajUniversal Application of Yoga for Peace and HarmonyJournal of Yoga and Physiotherapy2476-1303/ 2019 
4.Dr. Ajay BhardwajMantra Yoga: An OverviewJournal of Yoga and Physiotherapy2476-1303/ 2019 
5.Dr. Ajay BhardwajCultivating Moral Values through YogaInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2018 
6.Dr. Ajay BhardwajImportance of Education in Human Life: A Holistic ApproachInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2016 
7.Dr. Ajay BhardwajTowards a Healthy and Blissful LifeScholars Vision2454-9568/ 2016 
8.Dr. Ajay BhardwajSwami Vivekananda’s Spiritual Vision of EconomicsInternational Journal of Science and Consciousness2455-2038/ 2016 
9.Dr. Ajay BhardwajYoga Journalism: Historical PerspectiveInternational Journal of Science and Consciousness2455-2038/ 2016 
10.Dr. Ajay BhardwajHealthy and Positive Journalism through YogaInternational Journal of Science and Consciousness2455-2038/ 2016 
11.Dr. Ajay BhardwajYoga Journalism and Its ApplicationInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2016 
12.Dr. Ajay BhardwajTransforming Personality through Raj YogaScholars Vision2454-9568/ 2015 
13.Dr. Ajay BhardwajVedic knowledge: An Integral and Scientific ApproachInternational Journal of Science and Consciousness2455-2038/ 2015 
14.Dr. Ajay BhardwajHolistic Health through Yogic LifeStyleInternational Journal of Science and Consciousness2455-2038/ 2015 
15.Dr. Ajay BhardwajA Book revealing the Secrets of the Vedic Yoga and Rishi TraditionInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2015 
16.Dr. Ajay BhardwajA Book Unveiling Yoga Nidra with Scientific ApproachInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2014 
17.Dr. Ajay BhardwajUniversal Peace and Harmony through Yoga



International Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2014 
18.Dr. Ajay BhardwajA Unique Book Discovering the Secrets of KundaliniInternational Journal of Yoga and Allied Science2278-5159/ 2013 
1.Dr. Smita Vshistha“Website patrakarita ka mahatva, chunoti evam prabhandanSodhsarita – An International Multidisciplinary Research JournalISSN 2348-2397/2019 
2.Dr. Smita VshisthaRole of women as mentors for value-based education through Internship Programme Dev SanskritiVishwavidalaya,Association of Indian UniversitiesISSN-0566-2257/2018 
3.Dr. Smita Vshistha“Identification of problems faced by Print & Electronic media JournalistsCivic Challenges Democracy & MediaISBN- 9788178359939/2014 
4.Dr. Smita VshisthaAnalysis of mental health & yogic intervention for mental health coverage in newspapers of UttrakhandAn Online Journal Of Multidisciplinary ResearchISSN-23954892/2016 
5.Dr. Smita VshisthaConvergence in Indian media: A new Paradigm of ICTDev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International JournalISSN: 2279-0578(2013) 
6.Dr. Smita VshisthaAn abstract published in the Souvenir on “Effect of Mirror Therapy on Guilt Feeling among Adolescent girlsNational seminar on Indigenous Techniques in Psychotherapy, DSVV Haridwar2011 
7.Dr. Smita VashishtaLockdown diary- Aapdakhatrahai to maukabhiAaj Tak Website20 April2020
8.Dr. Smita VashishtaParamparik pratikRashtriya Sahara RNI s. UTTHIN/2007/22004/2019
9.Dr. Smita VashishtaBhartiye cinema mai badalte samaj ka paridrashyaNational seminar on Hindi and its relation with society, DSVV, Haridwar7-8 June 2019
10.Dr. Smita Vashishtasocial media & its role in increasing awareness on social entrepreneurship
National Seminar on Microfinance and it’s potential in India:retrospect and prospects, DSVV4-5 Feb 2019
11.Dr. Smita VashishtaBadi chunoti hai mansik swasthyaRashtriya Sahara RNI-UTTHIN/2007/22004/2019
12.Dr. Smita VashishtaChunoti bhi hai shikshak kai samakshRashtriya Sahara RNI-UTTHIN/2007/22004/2019
13.Dr. Smita VashishtaWebsite patrakarita ka mahatva, chunoti evam prabhandanSodhsarita – An International Multidisciplinary Research JournalISSN 2348-2397/2019
14.Dr. Smita VashishtaRole of women as mentors for value-based education through Internship Programme Dev SanskritiVishwavidalaya,Association of Indian UniversitiesISSN-0566-2257/2018
15.Dr. Smita Vashishtabahut hui charcha chalo ab samadhan nikaleKhabar Lahariyahttps://
16.Dr. Smita VashishtaMahila bhikario ki suraksha kiski jimmadariKhabar Lahariyahttp://
17.Dr. Smita VashishtaAurate hi kyo dhaye ritee riwaj ka bhojKhabar Lahariyahttp://
18.Dr. Smita Vashishta“Identification of problems faced by Print & Electronic media JournalistsCivic Challenges Democracy & MediaISBN- 9788178359939/2014
19.Dr. Smita VashishtaNariKranti: loktantrik UplabdhiyaNariKranti: loktantrik UplabdhiyaRNI no.UPHIN/03/15451/2014
20.Dr. Smita VashishtaAnalysis of mental health & yogic intervention for mental health coverage in newspapers of UttrakhandAn Online Journal Of Multidisciplinary ResearchISSN-23954892/2016
21.Dr. Smita VashishtaWhat’s cookingScholars Vision -Bi-Lingual International Research Journal2454-9568/2016
22.Dr. Smita VashishtaConvergence in Indian media: A new Paradigm of ICTDev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary International JournalISSN: 2279-0578(2013)
23.Dr. Smita VashishtaAn abstract published in the Souvenir on “Effect of Mirror Therapy on Guilt Feeling among Adolescent girlsNational seminar on Indigenous Techniques in Psychotherapy, DSVV Haridwar2011
1.Deepak KumarTravelling journalism-Current Scenario & its scopeInternational Conference on FOOD, CULTURE & TOURISM, DSVV Haridwar,ISBN-9788193391617/2018 
2.Rajat Kumar Pandey,


Deepak Kumar

वर्तमान परिप्रक्ष्य में सकारात्मक पत्रकारिताICAN, New Delhi,2020 
3.Deepak Kumarसामाजिकमुद्दोंकोसमाहितकरताहिन्दीसिनेमाकानयादौर- एकअध्ययनICAN, New Delhi,2018 
4.Deepak Kumarविकासात्मक पत्रकारिता संबंधित खबरों का अवलोकन एवं अध्ययनः प्रिन्ट मीडिया के विषेष संदर्भ मेंDev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary international journal (DSIIJ), Vol-9, 2017ISSN:2582-4589/2017 
5.Deepak KumarSakaratamak Priwartanka Samwahak Patrika: Akhand JyotNational Seminar on Journalism for Positive Change, DSVV, HaridwarISBN-978-93-81212-23-3/2014 
6.Deepak Kumar“Creating a Society Free From Caste, Racial and Communal Stigma”Saving Shaping a Drudgery-Free World G.B.U.A.T, PantnagarISBN: 978-81-923019-45/2013 
1.Rahul Kumar SatunaIntercultural Communication: Social attributes, Promoting Components, Impacts and ChallengesDEV SANSKRITI: Interdisciplinary International JournalISSN: 2279-0578 (2019) 
1.Aditya Kumar ShuklaNew Media KaAbhasiLoktantra,Media Today, University of


Rajasthan, Jaipur,

ISSN: 2321-5380/2013 
2.Aditya Kumar ShuklaDiscoursing Communication from the


The perspective of Mainstream Hindu Philosophy.

Dev Sanskriti Interdisciplinary


International Journal

ISSN: 2279-0578/2013 
3.Aditya Kumar ShuklaApnibat: Kavyasangrah






ISBN: 978-81-921666-2-3/2012 


DateTopicsVenueName of Outstanding Participants
24thSept. 2016Guest LectureDSVVGovind Singh, Senior Journalist, Prof & Director School of UOU, Haldwani UK
25th October 2016Work Shop on Media and DevelopmentDSVV250-300

8th Nov 2016

Development communicationDSVVRajkumar Bhardwaj,
15th Nov 2016Guest Lecture on Film MakingDSVVMayankShrivastva
17th Nov 2016Educational TourDSVVFRII, Shastrdhara, Dehradun
7thMarch 2017Guest LectureDSVVPremPancholi

14th March 2017

Guest LectureDSVVShree ShubhranshuChoudhary Sen. Journalist & Founder CG Net Swara
16th  March 2017Guest LectureDSVVPravinJha
22th March 2017Guest Lecture on Modern Journalism and its place in the world of InformationDSVV

Nickoli and Evanovich, Dr, Gyaneshwar Mishra

31th March 2017 ( Reporting and editing)

Guest Lecture, Reporting and EditingDSVVSK Tiwari, State Bureau Head DainikSwatantraChenta, Dehradun
27th April 2017Educational TourNeelkanthaMahadev, Rishikesh 
30th April 2017Guest Lecture on Reporting and EditingDSVVMahendra Singh Rana (Sub-editor, DainikJagaran, Aditya Kumar Shukla Asst. Professor)

9th  may 2017

Education TourKunjaPuri 

27th July 2017

Guest Lecture on Film Appreciation WorkshopDSVVPankaj Saxena, FTII
23-27 August 2017Workshop, 5 Days Film Appreciation WorkShopDSVVDR. BhupendraKainthola, Director, FTII
8th October 2017Guest LectureDSVVRamesh Bhatt, Anchor and senior journalist, Media Adviosor of CM UK

27th  March 2018

Guest LectureDSVVDr. Sarah Markiewicz, Scientific Associate, Humboldt University on Intercultural communication

27th March 2018 

Guest LectureDSVVRajendra Kumar Chadha pragya – pravah,  


 April 2018

Guest Lecture on Global Warming,

ParyavaranSankat or Samadhan

15th April 2018Guest Lecture on development Communication,DSVVRajkumar Bhardwaj, Director and Senior Journalist, EMRC, IIT Roorkee
18th April 2018

15 days 2018 15 days’ work Shop Work Shop on basics of Photo Journalism & videography

10th may 2018Educational Tour, mixed forest, global warming environmentDSVVJagat Singh Chaudhary “Jangli’
8th June 2018Department Vision, activities with Print media Journalist from Vizianagaram, AP under Divine Pilgrimage session

ShantiKunj, AWGP,



17thnov 2018 dainik tribune, Chandigrah

Guest Lecture on Media LekhanDSVVArunNathani, Dainik Tribune, Chandigraph
17th January 2019 work shop on Film AppreciationDSVV

BhupendraKainthola, Director FTII (Film and Television Institute of India), Pune

5th March2019by

Work Shop on basics of Photo Journalism & videographyDSVVNickoli and Evanovich
9th March 2019संगोष्ठीस्वस्थएवंस्वच्छपत्रकारिताविषयDSVVNational Union of Journalist Haridwar
12th October 2019Guest Lecture on Current Media TrendsDSVV

Prof. KG Suresh Ex. DG, IIMC, Delhi.

DateWorkshopOutstanding participants
1-2 November 2014National Seminar on Journalism for Positive ChangeAbout 80 papers presented Chief Guest- Chanderbhanu Patnayak, Dr. Govind Singh & 18 Media & Academic Experts.
20-22 September, 20143 days Workshop on Documentary making & Short filmDharmveer Bharty, Akhilesh Gupta
10-12 February, 20143 days Workshop on Basic of Media WritingJP Shukla, former Correspondent, The Hindu
October 2013Workshop on Disaster and Entertainment ReportingVed Vilas Uniyal, Chief Sub Editor, Amar Ujala, Noida
October 2013Workshop on Newspaper & magazine editing and ProductionKalol Chakroverty, Assistant editor, Amar Ujala, Noida
September, 18-20, 2013Workshop on Contemporary IssuesRajesh Roushan, Sankalp Academy New Delhi.
August, 2013Workshop on Film and Documentary ProductionChander Babu Patnayak, Director, University of Hawaii, USA
14 July, 2013Workshop on Intercultural CommunicationDr. Maureen Hall, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, USA
7 April, 2013Workshop on Deprived Communities and Developmental communicationSudeep Thakur, Amar Ujala, Noida, Associate Editor.
15 March, 2013Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Science CommunicationGirish C. Gururani, Editor, Hindustan, Dehradun & Dinesh Chamola, IPU, Dehradun
February 2013Workshop on Media ResearchDr. Nirmala Mani Adhikari from Kathmandu University
29th Oct to 3rd Nov-2012Workshop on Understanding Cinema & Script writingChanderashekhar Joshi, Film Expert, Film and Television Institute of India, Pune
August 31 to Sept 3, 2012Workshop for empowerment of Science Communicators/ Writers/ Journalists JP Shukla, Senior Journalist, The Hindu
November 2011Workshop on India media trend-Print & ElectronicDr TDS Aloke, Chairman, Dept of JMC, HPU Shimla & DR KK Rattu, Director DD, Dehradun
DatesSeminars, Workshops, Tours, LecturesExpert/Guest lecturer
March 2013Workshop on science communication: challenges and opportunities in collaboration with Uttarakhand Council of Science and Technology, DehradunGirish Gururani, Editor, Hindustan, Dehradun.
Dinesh C. Chamola, IPU, Dehradun
February 2013Workshop on media researchDr. Nirmala Mani Adhikari from Kathmandu University
November 2012Workshop on script writing and understanding cinemaDr. C. Joshi from Film and Television Institute of India Film making (FTII), Pune
September 2012Workshop on Science Communication organized by Lokhit foundationJP Shukla, Seninor Journalist, The Hindu
October 2013Workshop on Disaster and Entertainment ReportingVed Vilas Uniyal, Chief Sub Editor, Amar Ujala, NOIDA
October 2013Workshop on Newspaper & magazine editing and productionKalol Chakroverty, Assistant Editor, Amar Ujala, NOIDA
August 2013Workshop on Film and Documentary ProductionChanderbhanu Patnayak, Director, Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Hawaii
August 2013Special lecture on Journalism – Present scenario and the Challenge faced by JournalistsShiva Rao, India TV
July 2013Special lecture on TV JournalismHarish Kumar, Executive Editor, IBN7
September 2013Series of lectures on Contemporary Issues in JournalismRajesh Roushan Sankalp Academy, New Delhi
July 2013Workshop on Intercultural CommunicationDr. Maureen Hall, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, USA
April 2013Special lecture on Deprived Communities and Developmental communicationSudeep Thakur, Amar Ujala, Noida, Associate Editor.
October 2012Indian Political SystemSudeep Thakur, Amar Ujala, Associate Editor, NOIDA
October 2012Special lecture on India Economic Policy & News Reporting and EditingKalol Chakrovertee Assistant Editor, Amar Ujala, NOIDA
February 2012Special lecture on Indian Foreign PolicyRajesh Roushan, Sankalp Academy New Delhi.
November 2011Workshop on Indian media trends -Print & ElectronicDr TDS Aloke, Chairman, Dept of JMC, HPU Shimla & DR KK Rattu, Director DD, Dehradun,

Research Scholar


Departmental Infrastructural Facilities


Books in Departmental Library (supplemented by 2555 books from Central Library). 216
Magazines in Departmental Library 05
Newspapers in Departmental Library 06
Both LAN and Wi-Fi facilities are available for staff and students.
Total number of classrooms- 2
Class rooms with ICT facility- 1
Students’ laboratories- 2
Research laboratories- 1

Electronic Media Division and Printing & Publishing Division.

  • At Shantikunj as a supportive Lab to the Centre for Journalism and Mass Communication. It is the center for making all types of creative content through Digital Media. Well equipped with its production studio and video cameras, it specializes in-
  • Providing a facility for conducting hands-on experience on related Recording, Shooting, Audio-Video Editing software, And Computer Systems.
  • Video coverage of important events; on & off-campus
  • Yug Pravah (Creation of Video magazine).
  • Making Audio and Video content on social issues.
  • Collection & compilation of old videos of the University.
  • JMC Department computer lab is equipped with 26 systems with an Internet facility.
  • For print & electronic media practice students works on software like Quark Express, Photoshop, Indesign, etc., and work out the departmental newspaper at regular interval.
  • The lab is also equipped with cameras for training purposes and audiovisual editing software like premiere pro and sound forge. Students work out Radio and TV documentaries and other programs on them.
The clipping room is equipped with about 6 daily newspapers and about 5 magazines which keeps the students updated with the latest developments and helps in their research work.


Placement List (2018-19)

S.No.Name (BA JMC)
RoleMedia Company/ PersonPlace
1Amita BadoniTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
2Shubham JoshiTrainee Social Media AssistantETV BharatHyderabad
3Santosh PaudyalTrainee Social Media AssistantETV BharatHyderabad
4Sakshi SharmaTrainee Penal ProducerETV BharatHyderabad
5Riya TyagiTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
6Raju RamTrainee ReporterETV BharatHyderabad
7Shweta PandeyTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
8Varsh ChaurasiyaTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
9Tanusha VermaTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
10Bhrigu BaggaCelebrity PROMr. UnmuktchandNew Delhi
11Sarweshwar PathakTrainee Content EditorETV BharatHyderabad
12Durgesh PrajapatiTrainee Penal ProducerETV BharatHyderabad
13Manish RaiTrainee Penal ProducerETV BharatHyderabad
14Shraddhanand MishraTrainee Penal ProducerETV BharatHyderabad
15Indu ManikapuriTrainee ReporterDainik BhaskarBhopal


Sl. NoStudentsAwards/RecognitionsNational / International
1.Mukesh BoraBest Eloquence award, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2011National
2.Swapnesh ChauhanBest Creative writing award, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 2011National
3.1. Bhupender Ratudi
2. Mukesh Bora
3. Aditya Shukla
4. Mahender Singh Rana
Gold Medal for Academic Excellence in Journalism & Mass communication from Press Club, Hardwar, years 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 resp.National
4.Shiwani KalyanvatBest Eloquence award, Organised by AWGP Shantikunj, Haridwar, 2014National


Sl. NoFacultyAwards/RecognitionsNational / International
1.Dr. Sukhnandan Singh & Aditya ShuklaBest poster presentation Award (Professional category) at, International Youth Conference organized by Vivekanada Swadhaya Mandal, G.B. Pant University, Pantnagar, Uttrakhand, India, 12-13 January, 2012.



Contact Us

Head of Department


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Distinguished Visitors

Special & Guest Lecturer in department by External Expert

Visiting Faculty (List-I)

Sl. No.Name of Visiting FacultiesDesignationInstitute
1Prof. Govind SinghDirector, Media SchoolUttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Uttarakhand
2Prof. K.G. SureshSchool Dean JMCUPES, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
3Dr. Chandrabhanu PattnayakDirectorInstitute of knowledge Societies, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
4Dr. Nirmala Mani AdhikariHead, Dept. of JMCKathmandu University, Nepal
5Mr. Sudeep ThakurExecutive EditorAmar Ujala, Noida, UP
6Prof. Ambrish SaxenaDirector, Media SchoolDME, Noida, UP
7Mr. Rajkumar BhardwajDirector, EMRCIIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand
8Mr. Mayank ShrivastavFilm DirectorMumbai, Maharashtra
9Mr. Bhupendra KaintholaDirectorFTII, Pune, Maharashtra
10Dr. Shivendra KahsyapDirector, School of Agriculture CommunicationGBPAU, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand

Visiting Faculty (List-II)

Sl. No.Name of Visiting FacultiesDesignationInstitute
11Mr. Kalol ChakrabortyEditorial BoardAmar Ujala Noida, UP
12Mr. Anurag DixitAnchor News NationNew Delhi
13Dr. K K RattuDirector, Media School, Ex. Director, DoordarshanJNU, Jaipur, Rajsthan
14Mr. Kushal KothialResident EditorDainik Jagran, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
15Mr. Girish GururaniResident EditorHindustan, Dehradun, Uttarakhand
16Dr. Amitabh ShrivastavDirector, Media SchoolManipal University, Jaipur, Rajsthan
17Mr. Praveen JhaBureau ChiefRashtriy Sahara, Haridwar, Uttarakhand


Semester study Layout

Outreach Program

Educational Tours

DatePlace & DestinationJMC BatchAcedemic Purpose
12 March 2019Surkanda Devi Educational
31 March 2019LancdownBAJMC 2017-20,


MA JMC 2017-19

Shri SchchidanandaBhaari’s Model of Water Conservation
26th April 2019Dehradun (AIR, Nation One News TV, Sahasrdhara, LakshmanSidh)BA-JMC II year & MA-JMC I yearMedia House Visit, for Brodacst& Electronic Media Exposure
03 April 2019Kunjapuri, VashisthaGufa,  NeerJharnaRishkeshBA JMC I & II YearTravelogue & Intercultural communication
14 March 2018HESCO &NavDhanya, DehradunMAJMC



Environment Conservation Rural Development, Self Reliance, Water Conservation
10th May 2018Jagat Singh Chaudhary “Jangli’BAJMC 2015-2018Educational Tour, mixed forest, global warming environment
24 May 2018Rishikesh (Neelkanth)BA JMC 2016Education & Recreational  Tour
28 September 2018Deharadoon (AIR, FRI, Sahastradhara)MA JMC 2017Radio Station Visit & Broadcasting Techniques Introduction 
27th April 2017NeelkanthaMahadev, RishikeshMA JMC 2015-2017For Travelogue & Feature Writing 
9th  May 2017



KunjaPuriBA JMC 2015-18For Travelogue & Feature Writing 
17th Nov 2016 Dehradun (Amar Ujala, Hindustan, FRII, Shastrdhara)MAJMC 2016-18, BAJMC2016-19Print Media House Visit, for Print Media Exposure
8th Feb 2015Deharadun (HESCO,FRI Navdhanya) Rural Development, Development Journalism
12th April 2015AIR, Nazibabaad Radio Station Visit
8th Feb 2015Educational TourHESCO,FRI NIVHDevelopment Journalism
05 December 2014Deharadun (Zee Himgiri University & Hindustan News Office)  MAJMC (2013-2015)Media House Visit, Electronic Media Exposure
24 August 2014Dehradun (DD, Network-10, DainikJagran)2014-16, 2013-15Media house visit
 Press Club Haridwar2013-15Press club annual function
28 January 2013Press Club Haridwar (August 2013, September 2013, November 2013)2012-2014 (1st semester+ 3rd semester)Educational
1  October 2013Ganga tour2012-2014 (1st semester+ 3rd semester)Departmental tour
 04 April 2013Dehradun, Mussorie (2012-2014 (2nd semester)Media House Visit (Hindustan, Garhwal post)
28  January 2013Kaliyar Sharif2012-2014 3rd semesterIntercultural communication, I
2012Press club, Haridwar2010-2012+2011-2013(All semesters)Educational
 September 23-27, 2012Hemkund + Badrinath2011-2013 (3rd semester)Travelogue & Intercultural communication
 April13, 2012Dehradun2011-2013 (2nd semester)Media house (Amar Ujala, Hindustan) & NIVH visit
 February 2012Najibabad2010-2012 (2ndsem+4th sem)All India Radio visit
November 2011)Dehradun2010-2012(3rd semester)Media house (Amar Ujala, Hindustan
 September 2011New Tehri, Mussorie2010-2012(3rd semester)Travelogue
 (January, 2011



Mussorie + Surkunda2010-2011+ 2009 -2011 (Diploma+ Master’s)Travelogue & Feature Writing
Press club Haridwar2010-2012Educational
2010Press club Haridwar2009-2011(All semesters)Educational
 October 2010)Neelkanth2010-2012(1st semester)Travelogue, Travelogue & Feature Writing
 October 29- Nov1, 2010Dehradun2010-2011+ 2009 -2011 (Diploma + Master’s)Science communication (workshop)