Guidelines for accessing E-resources

Guidelines for accessing E-resources Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya provides access to a range of electronic resources, including e-journals, e-books, and databases, to support academic research and learning. These resources are made available to faculty, students, and staff to enhance their academic experience.

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1. Access and Use:

○ E-resources are available for academic and research purposes only.
○ Access is provided to  individual users for browsing, searching, and downloading materials in line with library guidelines.
○ Downloading of single articles or chapters from e books is allowed, but downloading entire volumes or issues of journals (systematic downloading) is strictly prohibited.


2. Prohibited Activities:

○ The use of automated tools, such as robots or intelligent agents, to download resources systematically is not allowed.
○ Downloading large portions of e-books or journal issues or using resources for commercial purposes (such as resale or redistribution) is prohibited.
○ Sharing e-resources with unauthorised users or posting copyrighted materials to publicly accessible platforms is against policy.

3. Remote Access:

○ Registered members can access e-resources remotely, subject to university guidelines. Contact library admin for credentials access.


4. Search and Download Guidelines:

○ You may perform simple or advanced searches to find relevant materials. Be mindful to respect the licensing agreements of each publisher.
○ Full-text access is granted for individual articles; however, entire journal issues or book chapters cannot be downloaded in bulk.


5. E-Resource Centre Usage:

○ The E-resource Centre is available on working days from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM for registered members.
○ The facility is meant for academic research, study, and learning only.

○ Users may be asked to specify their research topic to ensure appropriate use of resources.
○ Users are allowed to use the facility for a maximum of 3 hours per session. Extensions may be granted at the discretion of the librarian.


6. Download and Printing:

○ Users may download e resources onto desktop folders and transfer them to personal storage devices (pen drives) with assistance from library staff.
○ Printing of downloaded material is allowed at a rate of Rs. 2 per page for A4-sized paper.

7. Behavior and Conduct:

○ Users are expected to maintain a respectful environment. Misbehavior, including disturbing other users, will not be tolerated.
○ Browsing history on library computers cannot be erased by users.
○ Social networking sites, online shopping, and personal communication through emails or chats are not allowed.
○ Users should not enter the E-resource Centre with their mobile phones. If it is necessary, prior approval from the library administration must be obtained.